viernes, julio 21, 2006

Más difícil todavía

Salto mortal hacia atrás con doble tirabuzón: un post sobre actualidad política que además hace un guiño a E. y me sirve para recordar cosas que creía ya totálmente olvidadas.

Todo ello cortesía de Noam Chomsky, una de las mentes más privilegiadas del siglo XX, aunque en términos de política local sería algo así como un nazional-socialista radical y antisemita. No se le conocen pactos secretos con ETA ni participación en atentados para volcar resultados electorales, pero al tiempo. Veamos que opina este catedrático emérito del MIT sobre lo que está pasando ahora entre Israel, Palestina y Líbano:

Ya que estamos, no viene mal recordar la resolución 242 del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas de 1967, solicitando la retirada de Israel de los territorios ocupados durante la guerra de los seis días. Y la 338, la 1397, la 1402...

En ese contexto, me parece muy interesante lo que Chomsky opinaba de la historia del conflicto Árabe-Israelí en una conferencia en la Columbia University de Nueva York en 1999. Decía esto, que es obvio

The core issue in the Middle East is very straightforward,
namely oil.

y otro montón de cosas que no lo son tanto
Well, meanwhile, there was a shift in the international consensus going on. It was shifting away from pure rejectionism— toward recognition of Palestinian rights. That became a crisis on another crucial date, namely January 1976 when the Security Council debated a resolution, which included UN242, and all of its wording, but also called for a Palestinian state and the territories Israel was to leave, under UN242. Well, that was supported by the whole world, virtually. The Arab states, the PLO, the Russians, Europe, Latin America— everybody. Except the one state that counts— which vetoed it. So the U.S. vetoed that resolution. And it's also vetoed from history— you might try to search for it. But it was a very crucial date. At that point, the U.S. became doubly rejectionist— in a strong sense. No UN242, and no Palestinian rights— alone in the world, virtually. Except for Israel.

Well then, matters continued. Things shifted over to the General Assembly. There were almost annual votes of a similar nature— usually like 150 to 2 or something like that. There were initiatives from Europe, from Arab states, the PLO— all rejected by the United States. The leading journals - like say, the New York Times - refused even to publish most of them— even letters referring to them. All of this is what called the “peace process,” again. That continued, until 1990. The last General Assembly vote was December, 1990— 144 to 2. Then came the Gulf War.

Esos son los precedentes del intento fallido del otro día por aprobar la enésima resolución de condena a las acciones desproporcionadas y cláramente en contra del derecho internacional humanitario por parte de Israel

El vídeo y la portada del Independent, como ya viene siendo habitual, vistos en Y ahora, llamadme antisemita.

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