miércoles, noviembre 22, 2006

Yo creo en el monstruo volador de spaghetti

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, while having existed in secrecy for hundreds of years, only recently came into the mainstream when this letter was published in May 2005.

Some claim that the church is purely a thought experiment, satire, illustrating that Intelligent Design is not science, but rather a pseudoscience manufactured by Christians to push Creationism into public schools. These people are mistaken. The Church of FSM is real, totally legit, and backed by hard science. Anything that comes across as humor or satire is purely coincidental.

Habla de ellos, los pastafaris (no confundir con los gafapastas), Rinzewind. Por si alguien no se había dado cuenta, Pezones Blancos no hace otra cosa que seguir su ejemplo. Alomojó.

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